Donation of materials to a day center for disabled children.

Malar Trust has made a donation to the day center for disabled children run by Sirugaveripakkam Primary School, Kancheepuram Union.

The center welcomes twenty children with various degrees of disability and offers them a welcoming and safe environment where they attend special speech therapy, physiotherapy and targeted education classes. It is well managed and worthy of support.

The supervisor of this school, Mrs. Glory Epsibha, requested Mr. Rupakanthan, director of Malar Trust India, to buy and donate to the children a set of goods, containing tiffin box, snacks box, lunch bag, lunch towel and water bottle.

In December 2023, Malar Trust staff – including a member of Malar Trust HQ in Italy – visited the school. The children entertained teachers, parents and guests with chants and dances. At the end, Malar Trust members distributed the requested material to all children that received with happiness.