Support to Poonjeri MGR Nagar kindergarten

Plates and glasses purchased for the MGR Nagar public kindergarten

Mamallapuram local government decided to reopen the Poonjeri MGR Nagar kindergarten after 5 years of closure. The kindergarten, then run by a local NGO, had closed due to lack of funds.

The kindergarten will welcome tribal and gypsy children from two rather large settled communities living in the neighbourhood.

Curiously, the State will pay the salary of the teacher, cook and provisions but nothing else: the teacher was expressly invited to beg private individuals or some NGO – such as Malar Trust – for plates and glasses or a fan, chairs or some game or toy for children.

the building needs to be repainted

Not to mention the maintenance of the building which would need two good coats of paint!

However, given the situation, we have decided to contribute for now by purchasing 20 plates and 20 glasses and some toy. If the attendance is good we will continue to help.